Thursday, October 11, 2012

Welcome to the Journey!

Welcome to "Journeying With Jesus," our Confirmation experience for 2012-13.  It is a delight to have each of you, each of us, "on the Way!" In the gospels, Jesus met each of his disciples where they were, and he loved them as they were.  In calling to each one, "Follow me," he beckoned them to a way of life together that would reveal God's presence and God's Reign of Love in the very midst of their lives.  At the time of his ascension, Jesus gave his followers the "great commission:"  "Make disciples."  Over the centuries, it has been the joy of the church to share the good news of God's love for all people and to nurture and shape discipleship among God's people everywhere.
Jesus meets each of us where we are, and loves us as we are.  Then he calls us to join with him: "Follow me."  It is the substance of this path that we will explore and celebrate together this year.
Jan Richardson's beautiful artwork, "The Best Supper," is an image that will adorn the front of your Confirmation books.  I hope that it will be a constant reminder of the place at the table, and the place in his heart, that Jesus has already set for you! May we also be reminded of the incredible richness that we experience in sharing this "kingdom table" with one another!

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