Friday, December 7, 2012


As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, let's take a close look at the accounts of Jesus' birth and the events leading up to it. Two of the four gospels have stories about Jesus' birth: Matthew and Luke.  Luke's narrative  is focused from the experience of Mary, the young woman who will be Jesus' mother.  Matthew, on the other hand, gives greater attention to Joseph's experience.    Joseph is the man who is in the process of marrying the younger Mary (though their marriage is not complete as the story begins).
O excellent Confirmands, I would like you to read the two accounts of "annunciation," where Mary and Joseph are informed of God's plans.  You will find these in Luke 1, with particular attention to verses 26-56, and Matthew 1:18-25.
What is similar about the stories?
What is different?
Are there details that you have not noticed before?
What questions arise that you would like us to explore?
Put yourself in the place of each of the main characters.  What are you feeling?


  1. I would be completely overwhelmed to be in Mary's place, I probably wouldn't get over the fact that god chose me. I would also be worried about what the people in my community would think since Marry wasn't married when she was pregnant.
    -Holly Files

  2. I agree 100% with Holly! I would be so overwhelmed! Sierra

  3. "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you . . ." Maybe that's why you would feel "overwhelmed!"--overwhelmed by the grace of God's giving.
