Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Spirited Community

All who believed were together, and had all things in common . . ." --Acts 2:44

Acts 2:42-47 and Acts 4:32-35 describe a community of faith born of, and living in, the power of God's Spirit.  We read these two texts together, and noted the qualities of a "spirited community:"
--daily worship together
--a devotion to learning (careful listening and applied practice)
--devotion to fellowship and a shared table
-- the celebrating of the Lord's Supper
--devoted prayer life
--glad and generous hearts
--constant praise of God
--entire community was cared for
--possessions distributed as any had need (no "absolute" private property)
--committed to spreading the good news of God's love everywhere

These were characteristic of "The Way," which is what the early church was called.  The Spirit of the Lord inspires and nourishes the community, making growth and holy surprise ever possible.  An apostolic community witnesses to the resurrection power of our God manifested in the midst of the everyday.

In what ways is our St. Andrew's Church such a community?

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