What is worship? We said:
--Individuals coming together sharing heart, soul, strength, and mind with each other.
--Gathering as a group: teaching, learning about Jesus.
--"Coming to church"
--Active Listening
--Praising God
--Teaching others about God
--Being taught
--reading the scriptures
--coming with anticipation
--Loving God with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, all our strength
The soul (in Greek psuche, from which we get the English word "psyche") is the core of our being.
Perhaps our worship involves:
--praying with everything we have
--singing with everything
--bringing the fullness of ourselves, our gifts, our yearnings, our love
--connecting the stories of the scriptures with the stories of our lives (Jesus' life and our life as one)
I like all the different words for worship.They all really explain what worship is and what you do during worship.The Loving God part is interesting because a lot of our worship is to god,which is great.BYE!-Julie Kantner